FOCS 2008
49th Annual IEEE Symposium on
Foundations of Computer Science

October 25-28, 2008
Philadelphia, PA

Call for Papers
Accepted Papers
Program Committee
Conference Program
Hotel Reservations
Travel info
Visa Requests
Conference Committee

Corporate Endowment

The 49th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS 2008) is sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Mathematical Foundations of Computing and was held on October 25-28, 2008, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

--- Update: 50th Annual FOCS 2009 will be held October 24-27, 2009, in Atlanta, GA.

--- NEW: 49th Annual FOCS 2008 Conference Proceedings will be available here for members and available for general purchase here.

The 2008 conference venue was the Loews Hotel Philadelphia. Here is a MAP.

The FOCS 2008 Conference Program.

The conference registration site is up . The hotel/registration cutoff will be October 3. The registration fees for IEEE/ACM members would be $395/475(early/late). For non-members these are $495/595. The student member rates are $ 190/290. The student non-member rates are $290/375.

Tutorials start at 10:00am in the Howe Room on 33rd Flr.
Main Conference Regency Ballroom on 2M.

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